Regional Theatre

Festival Review: “Julius Caesar” at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival Examines Power, Betrayal, and Gender Embodiment (Through October 26, 2025)

The first preview of the norm-disrupting production of “Julius Caesar” kicked off a promising start to this year’s Oregon Shakespeare Festival, now in its 90th season. During the preshow announcement, local playgoers and seasonal staff conveyed their pride for Ashland’s yearly homage to William Shakespeare’s masterworks with a level of cheering and applause one would expect to hear at a…

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Theatre Magazine Preview and Interview: “Encore Monthly:” The New Theatre Magazine for the 21st Century

“Encore Monthly” is a new theatre magazine for the 21st Century. It celebrates everything we love about American theatre, whether it is happening on the stages on Broadway or on the pages we follow on social media. Launching on an initial bimonthly schedule, “Encore Monthly” will move into monthly print releases later in 2021 when Broadway theatres are expected to…

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