Book, Music, and Lyrics by Robbie Florian
Directed by Ryan Emmons
Reviewed by Joseph Verlezza
Theatre Reviews Limited
Is it serious or a joke, a love story, a punk rock pseudo opera or possibly a retro piece paying homage to the irreverent, sensational pop musicals of the seventies, which were usually found playing in the then edgy East Village? The fact is it could be all the above, but the problem is, it executes none of them with any inkling of panache. The first act is mostly composed of punk rock electronic music with the actors screaming lyrics that are almost impossible to hear or understand and out of control choreography derivative of Bill T. Jones on a very bad day. The second act reverts to a more traditional musical theatre approach without rhyme or reason but fairs no better in the music and lyrics department. This hodgepodge musical offering goes by the title “The Cadaver Synod: A Pope Musical” with book, music and lyrics by Robbie Florian. This production never reaches a level of professionalism despite the successful creative elements provided by Daryl A. Stone’s costumes and Kevan Loney’s scenic projections. The result merely appears as a lurid and pretentious attempt to marry an inferior book with unpleasant derivative music and banal lyrics.
Act 1 of this new musical is loosely based on the actual historic event called the Cadaver Synod. Pope Stephen VII exhumed the corpse of Pope Formosus and put it on trial assigning a young deacon to defend and speak for the seated skeleton clad in papal attire. The crime was that of seeking the papacy and ruling in two different regions as a Bishop. The verdict is guilty, the corpse is stripped of his vestments and the three fingers used to bestow blessing as a pope were dismembered. This was all done for political reasons and power. The story is good substance for the stage, being both interesting and bizarre. In this production, the story is diminished by minor deviation of the actual events and is overpowered by the music and the manic choreography.
The real departure occurs in Act 2 when the book takes a wrong turn in substantiating the reasons for the event that takes place previously. It is proposed that it was an act of vengeance that led Pope Stephen VII on the mission to posthumously defrock Pope Formosus. The book alleges that the two had a homosexual relationship which Pope Formosus denies while lying in bed together after a simulated sexual act. He explains it is a grave sin the pope could never commit and therefore Stephen ostensibly must be a woman because of his role in the activity. This leads to the demise of the relationship and the skepticism of the validity of the story. It gets worse and basically things fall apart.
This present production comes off as a sensational, vulgar tabloid story supported by aggressive, loud electronic music that diminishes the contextual content of the event and at times sabotages the vocal ability of the of the cast.