

Off-Broadway Review: “Cagney” Taps at the Heart at the Westside Theatre – Upstairs

“Cagney, you’re playing the lead now. Got to carry the picture. Don’t screw it up. Now get back on set. Oh, and Cagney – give me more of that grapefruit stuff!” (Jack Warner in “Cagney”) Although “Cagney” has been playing since 2009 and has ostensibly been updated, expanded, and revised, the musical still needs some tweaking to bring it to…

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“Bohemian Lights” at HERE Arts Center (Closed November 23rd, 2014)

November 16, 2014 | Off-Broadway, to kill, triple > | Tags:

The first red flag of Live Source’s “Bohemian Lights” (currently at HERE Arts Center) came during the curtain speech. The audience was informed of the cultural significance of the show they were about to see, as if to preemptively warn us we’re imbeciles unable to fathom the genius about to ensue. The play, adapted from the Ramón del Valle-Inclán script…

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