Written by Andy Nyman, Derren Brown, and Andrew O’Connor
Directed by Andrew O’Connor and Andy Nyman
Reviewed by Joseph Verlezza
Theatre Reviews Limited
The one and probably only thing you may be sure of when you leave the Cort Theatre after viewing the recent production of “Derren Brown: Secret” is that Mr. Brown is a very likable and convincing fellow, along with being a wonderful entertainer. He assures you that he cannot read your mind, that there is nothing contrived and there are no “plants” in the audience to deceive you. A true skeptic will wonder if he consequently manipulated you into believing that to reinforce what is to follow during the next couple of hours. As he takes the stage he appears quite normal and comfortable in a casual three piece suit. He introduces himself and takes a seat stage left to begin telling us about his personal life, secrets that he might only tell his close friends. He confides in you and gains your confidence so you feel as comfortable as he is and that is where the trust begins, or ends. Next he asks the audience to stand and participate in somewhat of a test. It is not to measure your intelligence but to merely evaluate your susceptibility in order to reveal how prone you may be to manipulation. It is after this introductory proceeding that the fun begins.
The reason for being so vague is that Mr. Brown has requested of any person that was present to review his performance not to divulge the “Secret” in their publication, so future audiences are given the opportunity to enjoy the festivities without knowing the outcome. It is only righteous to oblige and respect this request.
There is quite a bit of audience participation even before the show begins. You are asked to fill out little cards disclosing a personal secret or chosen to be facially photographed. During the show there are Frisbees tossed throughout the theater to procure random volunteers to grace the stage and participate in one of the many mind boggling scenes. To further insist there is no collusion, audience members are chosen to choose other audience members to participate in certain activities, assuring they have no possible connection to the production. There are Gorillas that may or may not be seen, locked boxes from the past and large portraits painted before your eyes.
What can be said, is that Mr. Brown is an amazing showman and talented performer. Acts of prestidigitation have enthralled audiences throughout the ages but Mr. Brown has brought this form of entertainment to a new level. It is intelligent, skillful, manipulative, intriguing, beguiling and captivating, but most of all it does what theater is meant to do. It allows you to forget your troubles, it prompts you to think, forces you to pay attention and provides delightful entertainment for a couple of hours. Mr. Brown swears that he is not a mind reader but I would disagree. He certainly knew what every member of the audience was there for and that is what he gave them. A magical, mind boggling experience and a phenomenal evening of entertainment.